by Keishadivine El Empress
Headlining the IFL World Team Championship Finals Friday December 29th 2006 at the Mohegan Sun Arena Hotel and Casino, were the Silver back- Wolf pack match-ups and Gracie-Newton Super fight in addition to Eight IFL Athletes competing in four Intra-league Super fights on a 10 fight card, that included, Erik Owings unanimously defeating Ed West, Brent Beauparlant being defeated by Andre Gusmao, Jamal Patterson being TKO'd by Reese Andy, and Krzysztof Soszynski being defeated by "Iron" Mike Whithead in a controversial decision. In addition legends Renzo Gracie of the Pit bulls and Carlos "The Ronin" Newton of the Dragons, squared off in a middleweight Superfight with, Renzo Gracie becoming the Victor in a controversial decision, and Win.
(Keisha Gracie and Eddie Goldman)
(Keisha and Carlos Newton of the Dragons)
The pairing of the Silver backs, coached by Pat Miletich and the Wolfpack, coached by Matt Lindland, both teams advanced to the finals. The team to reign Supreme for the IFL World Team Championship finals was the Silver backs of Moline, Illinois, who's head coach, Pat Miletich is a former MMA welterweight champ himself. The Silver backs swept 4 of the 5 competitions, with the one lost coming from Rory Markham who was TKO'd by Chris Wilson of the Wolf packs.
(Chris Wilson of the Wolfpacks)
The Silverbacks winning team consisted of Bart Palaszewski who TKO'd Ryan Schultz, giving the Silverbacks the championship, 3 wins of the 5, Ryan McGivern defeated Matt Horwich in an unanimous decision, Mike Ciesnolevic defeated Aaron Starks and Ben Rothwell defeated Devin Cole by TKO.
(Keisha and Team Silverbacks after winning championship)
The Silver backs head coach stated at the post Press conference " I am extremely proud of of the team", while head coach of the Wolf packs stated "Its about making sacrifices, we came up short, they fought hard, we should have stuck to our game plan, when we deviated away, that's why they lost".
The IFL also awarded the Silver back team members, Mike Ciesnolevicz with the Best submission of the night, Ben Rothwell with the best knockout of the night, Bart Palaszewski with the Best fight of the night, in which he received an all expense paid trip and a X-box 360, and the Wolf packs Chris Wilson received the best finish of the night. The Silver back team in addition all received IFL world championship rings for their Win. It all came down to this....Mixed Martial Arts like no other one night, two legends, two teams and two great performances, Miss Maine, belted the National Anthem and Jodi K in her New England debut kept the sold out crowd entertained. Eddie Goldman Chris Thomas myself and other media representatives, headed over to the after- party, at the convention arena banquet hall, full to capacity, the event had great food and a host of celebrities, current fighters and legends of the game, IFL executives production staff and VIP's making my first time attending an event of this magnitude and nature, more memorable and the networking opportunity, well worth the trip.The event sponsors were Dale & Thomas, IFL.TV, Fairtex fight gear, FSN (Fox Sports Network), Mad, Mohegan Sun Arena, National Guard, Sandals, X-Box 360.
The event will air Sunday December 31st 2006 @9PM, if you were not there live, watch all of the explosive action on FSN, You won't want to miss this IFL World Team Championship Final Showdown.