Gotham Comedy Club, New York City, World Boxing Cares is finally reaching out to the public with their first New York Event. It will be an evening of entertainment and outstanding comedy, where people from the boxing community will get to mingle with each other, as well as honor some of the well known people who've worked hard to make this dream come true. In addition to Jose Sulaiman, Don King and Gerry Cooney; Sean Connelly and Pat Russo from PAL will be honored, among others.
Jose Sulaiman at the WB cares events.
The WBC started this program as an outreach to children worldwide who are in hospitals, youth centers and orphanages. All of their 162 countries have been participating. Because of this effort, this year was the first time boxing was included in the All Africa Games, where a Youth Village was built and five hospitals were visited. According to Jill Diamond, WBCares Chair, no boxer has ever said no; everyone joins in.
Jose Sulaiman and Honorees.
The move to do good is alive and well in boxing. We all want to good something special in our lives, for many in boxing, it's helping children. Champions such as Emile Griffith and Iran Barkley, as well as rising stars such as Eileen Olszewski, Maureen Shea, Susazannah Warner, Jorge Teron and Edgar Santana, are just a few who will make presentations. Jill Diamond, about the program, "We get back so much more from the children then we give. They allow us to show the public who we really are; friends, families and parents."
Suszannah Warner, NABF title holder, Iran Barkley, Five time world champion, and Gary Stretch actor and former WBC International Super welterweight champion and WB cares Chair Jill Diamond.
Honoree Suszannah Warner, stablemate Jody-Ann and Luigi, trainer.
Jorge Teron, the professional fighter and Lil Brother Teron, the prodigal fighter.
Honoree Iran Barkley, and David Selwyn, manager of Iran and Eileen Olszewski.
Eileen Olszewski, female fighter and presenter.
The World Boxing Cares Boxing Community Out reach party at the Gotham Comedy Club evening of guest also included; Comedians from the Gotham comedy club for entertainment, host, Joey Reynolds of WOR 710 radio talk show, WBC Ambassador Chuck Williams, Pat Russo, PAL Citywide Director of Boxing, Sean Connelly, PAL's Director of Sports, John E. Oden, Founder JEO Boxing Scholars, and Author of "White collar boxing.", Robert Maldinich, Salvador Briman, Mr & Mrs Witherspoon, Lou DiBella, Arthur Mercante, Sparkle Lee, referee
Generations and History Spinks, Witherspoon, Butch Lewis and Iran Barkley at the WB cares event.
Spinks, guest, Butch Lewis and Faruk Muhammad, Heavyweight prospect.
Iran Barkley and Meldrick Taylor.
Keisha and Faruk Muhammad attend the WB cares event
Female Fighters Chika Nakamura, Jill Emery and Ann Marie Saccurato and Eddie Goldman, attend the WB cares event.
Omar Sheika and Monte Barrett attend the WB cares event.
Junior Jones attends the WB cares event, dapper as ever.
Comedian Macio,Guest and actor Chuck Zito, at the WB cares event.
Female Fighters Jill Emery, Belinda "Brown Sugar" Laracuente, Chika Nakamura, Melissa "Hurracan" Hernandez, Professional fighter Elvir Muriqi, and Eddie Goldman, attend the WB cares event.
Manfredo takes time out of his training schedule to attend the WB cares event.
Dmitriy Salita attends the WB cares event.
Keisha and female fighter Alicia "Slick" Ashley attends the WB cares event.