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Monday, January 28, 2008

Bernard Fernandez: Olympic Education Center KO'd by budget cuts

Bernard Fernandez: Olympic Education Center KO'd by budget cuts
Philadelphia Daily News

IN THE END, it came down to a matter of dollars and cents. Doesn't it always?
The 20-year-old boxing program at Northern Michigan University's U.S. Olympic Education Center more or less ended on Jan. 14, when budget cuts prevented the continued enrollment of 14 student-boxers whose scholarships no longer would be funded. But the official end of a grand experiment that produced 12 Olympians, 97 U.S. national amateur champions and numerous out-of-the-ring success stories doesn't come until Thursday, when head coach Al Mitchell and assistant coach David Reid, America's only gold medalist in boxing at the 1996 Atlanta Olympics, go off salary.

"The program is about boxing, of course, but it's about more than that," said Mitchell, the 1996 U.S. Olympic boxing coach and a native of North Philadelphia as is his most famous pupil, Reid, who went on to win the WBA super welterweight championship. "These are inner-city kids we're talking about. Numerous guys got their degrees here. Almost 100 percent at least graduated from high school. Three or four of our athletes became teachers. One is a principal. Several others are coaches. We've had athletes go on to own their own businesses, or learn a trade."

Mitchell, 64, and Reid, 34, intend to remain in Marquette, Mich., training amateur boxers at the new Ringside Gym that is being funded in large part by Ringside, a Lenexa, Kan.-based boxing equipment company. One of Ringside's executives is Dave Lubs, who founded the boxing program at NMU in 1987 and served as its first director.

But Mitchell can't say for sure how many of his amateurs from the recently ended semester can afford to remain in the area without subsidies, or how many more from around the nation will arrive minus the inducement of paid educational benefits.

"I keep hearing that they might bring the program back in September, but I don't know if it'll happen," Mitchell said. "The handwriting had been on the wall for a few years now.

"I've got four kids who borrowed money so they could stay up here. I'm still training them. But I suppose if it came to that, I could go back to training pros."

Lubs is more optimistic that the program can be salvaged.

"I refuse to believe it's gone forever," he said. "I'm optimistic that everything will be back in place by next semester.

"The whole idea when we started this thing was to prepare these kids for life after boxing. We knew we'd have an opportunity to build better boxers, but a lot of these kids graduated from high school and went further with their education.

"What irks me is that local review committees all around the country have made recommendations that there should be more of these programs. So what happens? The first thing they do when there's a financial crunch is to shut down the one they have. It just doesn't make sense."

The Olympic Education Center is the result of a partnership between NMU and the U.S. Olympic Committee. In addition to boxing, Olympic sports whose participant-athletes' costs are picked up in part by the university are men's Greco-Roman wrestling, women's freestyle wrestling, men's and women's short-track speedskating and men's and women's weightlifting.

But NMU annually shells out just $20,000 for coaches in those other sports (everything above that is paid by the respective sport's national governing body), as opposed to $110,000 for boxing. And with appropriations for educational institutions in Michigan shrinking yearly since 2003, it became increasingly evident that funding for some programs would be slashed or eliminated altogether.

"The outlay for boxing was significant - 5 1/2 times what it was for our other sports," said Jeff Kleinschmidt, the director of the Olympic Training Center. "We went to USA Boxing and said that we no longer could continue to pay the coaches' salaries at that level. We asked USA Boxing to pick up the difference so that we could be consistent with our other sports. Their response was that they supported the program and wanted to see it continue, but they were unable to furnish the funds needed within the specified time frame.

"Since the coaches are actually employees of Northern Michigan, and the university has rules regarding layoffs, we had to proceed with notifying the coaches of their layoffs in a timely manner."

No coaches, of course, meant the end of subsidies for boxers and the suspension, if not termination, of the program.

Kleinschmidt, like Mitchell and Lubs, is hopeful boxing at NMU can be revived, for altruistic as well as for practical reasons.

"Four members of the 2000 U.S. Olympic boxing team, fully one-third of the squad, came from here," he noted. "But the program was never just about producing Olympians. The educational aspects are just as important."

You don't have to tell that to Ron Aurit, a Philadelphia boxing coach and referee whose Boxing Scholarship Foundation had hoped to place two promising amateurs at NMU.

"That program was their chance for a better life," Aurit said. *

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The Mis-Education of the Negro: 1933-2008 by ALTON H. MADDOX JR.

The Mis-Education of the Negro: 1933-2008 by ALTON H. MADDOX JR.
Amsterdam News

Seventy-five years ago, this month, Dr. Carter G. Woodson published “The Mis-Education of the Negro.” It is a repair book on extirpating the legacies of slavery which have given rise to the maintenance of the badges of slavery. If Dr. Woodson were alive today, Blacks would readily refer to him as a prophet.

Like most experts in a field, his knowledge was acquired through experience. Dr. Woodson learned that the most prominent achievement on his resume was also his most salient disability. He said, “I advocate a more realistic and practical approach in education. It took me over thirty years to get over my Harvard education.”
April 1950 was a bad month for the Black world. Three intellectual giants died during this month. These transitional men, through their works, were models of excellence and they left us with visionary blueprints necessary to navigate Jim Crow minefields.

This group included the educational architect for revolutionizing the Black mind, the legal architect for combatting Jim Crow in the United States and the medical architect of blood plasma. These men, respectively, were Dean Charles Hamilton Houston, Dr. Carter G. Woodson and Dr. Charles Drew.

Despite the verbal warfare that has erupted over the presidential campaign of Sen. Barack Obama, “Negro History Week” has failed to pique our historical interests beyond 7 days in February. Obviously, “Negro History Week” should be a matter of concern of Congressmen Charles Rangel and John Lewis, former Atlanta Mayor Andrew Young, and Robert Johnson, current owner of the NBA’s Charlotte Bobcats.
None of these men have made Dr. Woodson proud and they should revisit a course in logic. For example, Mayor Young argues that former President Bill Clinton is blacker than Sen. Obama because President Clinton has bedded down more Black women than Sen. Obama.

That argument could be used to expose Thomas Jefferson’s sexual promiscuity but its conclusion would still be a fallacy. Throughout our existence in North America, white men have been able to treat Black women like sex toys with impunity. What is Mayor Young’s position on Tawana Brawley?

Cong. Rangel argues that it is “absolutely stupid” for Sen. Obama to claim that Dr. Martin L. King, Jr. signed the Voting Rights Act of 1965. Cong. Rangel is supporting Sen. Clinton’s claim which belittles the role of Dr. King in securing voting rights legislation in 1965.

Assuming arguendo that Cong. Rangel is correct when he argues that it was President Lyndon B. Johnson, and not Dr. Martin L. King, Jr., who meritoriously signed the legislation, he would, nonetheless, have to concede that it was signed with the blood of millions of Blacks starting with Crispus Attucks and continuing beyond the assassination of Malcolm X.

Sadly, it took 178 years for Blacks to simply secure voting rights and, afterwards, Blacks are still treated as “heathens” under the U.S. Constitution. The American Revolution was fought under the mantra of “no taxation without representation.” New Hampshire has a more poignant motto: “live free or die.” Neither phrase applies, positively, to Blacks.

Blacks have failed to perceive the difference between political representation and political presence. Voting only guarantees political presence. It took an armed revolution for whites, with assistance from free Blacks, to secure political representation for themselves.

If Alexander Hamilton returned to New York today, he would swear that slavery was still in effect. Politically and economically, Blacks are still at the bottom of the barrel. Illegal immigrants enjoy more rights than Blacks who have been given no credit for their contributions to this nation.

By distinguishing freedom from slavery, Hamilton argued, “In the former state a man is governed by the laws to which he has given his consent, either in person or by his representative; in the latter, he is governed by the will of another. In one case, his life and property are his own; in the other, they depend upon the pleasure of his master.”

In slavery, we went to the cotton fields and returned to the slave quarters. Today, we simply go to the polls and return to the “hood” penniless. No Black effort is afoot to secure political power. We enjoy no more political rights today than we did in slavery. This is termed the “Illusion of Inclusion.”

Thurgood Marshall always maintained that his greatest legal victory was Smith v. Allwright and not Brown v. Board of Education. The Supreme Court had to address the constitutionality of Texas’ white primary system, which barred Blacks from selecting political candidates.

The Supreme Court, in 1944, overturned Grovey v. Townsend, decided in 1935, because only two of the justices in Grovey were still on the court in 1944. Grovey had ruled that the rules of a political party fall outside the purview of state action which implicates the Fourteenth Amendment. Thus, a political party was free to engage in racial discrimination. Grovey is back in effect. See the primary rules in 2008.
Despite Supreme Court precedent, the white primary still exists today. Whites in Iowa and New Hampshire select the Democratic presidents of the United States. Bill Clinton failed to win either Iowa or New Hampshire in 1992, but he still became the standard bearer of the Democratic Party. This was the sole exception. A victory in New Hampshire usually manufactures a standard bearer for the Democratic Party.
Despite the ruling in Smith v. Allwright, the white primary continued in South Carolina until 1948 when J. Waites Waring, a federal district court judge in South Carolina, ruled it unconstitutional. Gov. Strom Thurmond of South Carolina saw the handwriting on the wall and he became a “Dixiecrat.”

“Pitchfork” Ben Tillman had rewritten the state constitution in 1895 to exclude the Black vote. His political heirs still reside in South Carolina. Judge Waring would later create the legal rationale in Brown v. Board of Education. Ultimately, white supremacists gave him a one-way ticket out of South Carolina. He and his wife fled to New York.

These white supremacists will reappear on January 26. South Carolina was the site of the “Hamburg Massacre” and played a key role in disenfranchising Blacks in the presidential election of 1876, which ultimately placed Blacks under the jurisdiction of the KKK. Unreliable voting machines will be in play in South Carolina on January 26. Where are election monitors when we need them?

The white media reported that Sen. Clinton won the Democratic caucuses in Nevada although Nevada gave Sen. Obama the most convention delegates. This is like the white media reporting that Sen. Al Gore won the White House in 2000 despite his loss to Gov. George W. Bush in the Electoral College. Unfortunately, the U.S. Constitution permits the white media to practice racial discrimination in reporting the news.

Black leaders have steered us back into Jim Crow. Forty-five years ago, our leaders were Revs. King and Adam Clayton Powell, Jr. and Min. Malcolm X. Today, our leaders are Revs. Jesse Jackson, Al Sharpton and Floyd Flake. This is evidence that we have moved backwards from a gerontocracy. There is no substitute for talent.

The federal government has not only tampered with our history and culture but also our reproductive system. A reproductive system which has successively given us David Walker, Nat Turner, Martin Delaney, Marcus Garvey and Elijah Muhammad is now out of order. It stopped functioning completely after Brown v. Board of Education.

Whites have a winning formula for staying on top. Blacks have a losing formula for staying at the bottom of the totem pole. As a matter of law, whites embrace the doctrine of stare decisis. This means that they must follow the teachings of their ancestors.

As a matter of racial accommodation, Blacks summarily reject the teachings of their revered ancestors. It would be impossible for Black leadership to start behaving like Callie House, Denmark Vesey, Henry McNeal Turner and Monroe Trotter among others.
Religion also explains our plight. Blacks embrace a pagan ethic which elevates self-preservation over racial sacrifice. Whites, on the other hand, are urged to sacrifice themselves for the sake of the race. Black preachers advocate personal happiness by preaching JOY. This means putting Jesus first, others next (whites) and yourself last. This will ensure Black JOY.

Thus, Blacks behave like crabs in a barrel. The First Amendment shortchanges the right of Blacks to enjoy religious freedoms. There is an interracial cohabitation between the Black church and the white state. This is paganism.

Only a working knowledge of history can connect our past with the present and pave our future. It starts with the teachings of Ptahhotep. We have gone from the “best and the brightest” to the “dumbest and the dullest.” No “Black Messiah” is on the horizon. Let’s start February with a yearning for learning our history.

The “Thriller in Manila II” was held in Myrtle Beach, SC on Dr. Martin L. King Day. It harbored neither the principles of non-violence nor resembled the Wiley College debating team. Sen. Clinton, who was playing the dozens, was in the ring while Bill Clinton was in her corner. Sen. John Edwards was on the ropes. Don King was MIA.

Jan. 30 UAM’s weekly forum at the Elks Plaza, 1068 Harriet Tubman (Fulton Street) nr. Classon Ave. in Brooklyn at 7:30 p.m. Take the “C” train to Franklin Ave.
Feb. 6 Dr. Leonard Jeffries will be the keynote speaker at UAM’s weekly forum at the Elks Plaza. For further information call United African Movement at 718-834-9034.
See: for “KKK and the Jena 6,” “Couch Potatoes,” “UAM - UNIA As a Model,” and “The Black Vote is Worthless.”

Sports fans; Help Create A Professional Boxer's Pension Plan!

Help Create A Professional Boxer's Pension Plan!

Sponsored by:

Jacquie Richardson, Exec. Director, RETIRED BOXERS FOUNDATION

Professional Boxing is the only sport that does not have a nationwide pension plan for retired athletes. 87% of professional boxers end their career with some kind of damage. For some, there are brain injuries, neurological and or physical damages, and for too many, these injuries lead to homelessness, substance abuse issues, phsychiatric disorders and dementia pugilistica (the medical term for being "punch drunk."

In 1998, retired professional boxer, Alex "The Bronx Bomber" Ramos started the Retired Boxers Foundation to assist these fighters in the transition from their glorious days in the ring to a dignified retirement. Only one state offers a pension--California--and it charges the fans $.89 per ticket sold at each boxing show, resulting in a pension that pays $2.00 a round. For a boxer like Alex Ramos, it would amount to $150 a month, which is clearly not enough to live on. If EVERY STATE charge $1 per ticket sold, Alex would have retired with a monthly income of nearly $1,200 a month.

If the powers that be in boxing are not willing to initiate a nationwide pension for retired professional boxers, then we will--with the help of sports fans around the country!

We, the undersigned fans of the sport of boxing, would gladly pay an extra $1 for every ticket sold to a professional boxing event, so that professional boxers who risk their lives for our entertainment, have a decent pension when they retire!

Professional Boxing is the only sport that does not have a nationwide pension plan for retired athletes. 87% of professional boxers end their career with some kind of damage. For some, there are brain injuries, neurological and or physical damages, and for too many, these injuries lead to homelessness, substance abuse issues, phsychiatric disorders and dementia pugilistica (the medical term for being "punch drunk."

In 1998, retired professional boxer, Alex "The Bronx Bomber" Ramos started the Retired Boxers Foundation to assist these fighters in the transition from their glorious days in the ring to a dignified retirement. Only one state offers a pension--California--and it charges the fans $.89 per ticket sold at each boxing show, resulting in a pension that pays $2.00 a round. For a boxer like Alex Ramos, it would amount to $150 a month, which is clearly not enough to live on. If EVERY STATE charge $1 per ticket sold, Alex would have retired with a monthly income of nearly $1,200 a month.

If the powers that be in boxing are not willing to initiate a nationwide pension for retired professional boxers, then we will--with the help of sports fans around the country!

We, the undersigned fans of the sport of boxing, would gladly pay an extra $1 for every ticket sold to a professional boxing event, so that professional boxers who risk their lives for our entertainment, have a decent pension when they retire!

We the undersigned, are fans of the sport of boxing and we want to make sure that retired professional boxers have a pension when they retire. Boxing is the only professional sport that does not provide a pension for all of the athletes that risk their lives for our entertainment and we, as fans and consumers, would be happy to pay an extra $1 on the ticket price for professional boxing shows. The Retired Boxers Foundation wants to help every fighter make the transition from their glorious days in the ring to a dignified retirement. Thank you for becoming an "undisputed champion for DIGNITY!

Tickets on sale for the following shows; Gleasons Gym, Golden Gloves, USA Boxing, Alicia Ashley, Ronica Jeffreys, John Duddy, Klitschko vs Ibragimov

USA Boxing Amateurs
Golden Gloves at St. Ann's Warehouse On Wednesday, January 30th
The address is 38 Water St. Brooklyn, NY. The doors open at 6:30PM and the first bout will begin at 7:00PM. The ticket prices are$25.00 General Admission and $15.00 for USA Boxing Amateurs. (The amateurs must have their boxing license in hand.)

Professional Boxing at The Paradise Theatre On Thursday, January 31st

Alicia Ashley and Ronica Jeffrey

Professional Boxing at The Paradise Theatre On Thursday, January 31st, Two of Gleason's top female fighters will be on the card. Alicia Ashley a Professional World Champion and Ronica Jeffrey an amateur National Champion making her pro debut. The address is 2413 Grand Concourse, Bronx NY. The ticket prices are $50 and $30.

Keisha and Alicia Ashley

Ronica Jeffrey

Gleason's Gym

Live Chamber Music and Boxing at Gleason's Gym on Saturday, February 16th

At 8:00PM The International Street Cannibals and Gleason's Gym Present: Strike Part V. Don't Miss It!!! This is part of a new music and boxing series introducing Classical Music to the youth in boxing. Live chamber music will compete with boxing demonstrations. Musicians with harps, cellos, violas, and a double bass will set up in one ring while the young boxers in training will duke it out in another ring.

All boxing will be undertaken by the junior (under 14 years) members of Gleason's Gym. Please contact Bruce Silverglade for further details.Admission is $25.00 per person. All proceeds benefit Gleason's "Give A Kid A Dream" foundation.

Professional Boxing At Madison Square Garden on Saturday February 23rd, Wladimir Klitschko vs Sultan Ibragimov, Also featuring Ireland's Own John Duddy.

The Heavyweight Championship of The World, Klitschko vs Ibragimov

The ticket prices are: $1000, $600, $300, $200, $100. We have the best seats at each price point.

Duddy taking another bite out of Big Apple; “Mean” Joe Greene and Peter “Kid Chocolate” Quillin, Feb. 23 in NYC are on the Klitschko-Ibragimov card

NEW YORK– World middleweight title contender “Ireland’s” John Duddy is looking forward to fighting again in his adopted New York City home for the first time since last May, when he battles tough Tunisian brawler Walid “Tempete de Sable” Smichet (17-3-1, 13 KOs) in the 10-round, off-TV co-feature on the February 23rd heavyweight championship unification show headlined by IBF king Wladimir Klitschko and WBO title-holder Sultan Ibragimov at Madison Square Garden.

“Ireland’s” John Duddy

IBF king Wladimir Klitschko and WBO title-holder Sultan Ibragimov

Presently rated No. 3 by the WBO and WBC, as well as No. 6 and No. 11 by the WBA and IBF, respectively, Duddy (23-0, 17 KOs) also is ranked No. 10 in The Ring magazine.

Duddy, who has fought 11 times in the Big Apple, including five in Madison Square Garden, is training in North Carolina with his head trainer, Don Turner. The unbeaten, charismatic Irishman is coming off of three consecutive fights in Ireland, including his most notable victory to date in December, winning a 10-round decision against former 2-time world title challenger Howard Eastman.

“It’s my homecoming,” an excited Duddy said from training camp about his NYC fight versus Smichet. “It was great fighting in Ireland the past year, but I’m really looking forward to being back where I started my pro career with all those great fans. There’s a lot of interest in my career back home now and a lot of people are flying in to watch this fight. Most importantly, though, I think I’ve shown improvement in my last three fights, although a lot was just simple things we worked on. Don has me boxing like I did before (as an amateur).

Duddy in Big Apple

“After the Howard Eastman fight, I’m confident about getting in the ring with any
middleweight in the world. It wasn’t perfect, but I showed I had a good chin – I always knew that – used my head more and never took a step backwards. I’m much more comfortable. It was a step closer to me getting to the top and I’m happy with my progress.”

Smichet, fighting out of Montreal, has a portfolio that features a win by 10th round knockout of previously unbeaten (17-0) Matt O’Brien for the Canadian Middleweight Interim Title, as well as an eight-round draw against Donny McCrary of The Contender III fame.

Undefeated New York City middleweights “Mean” Joe Greene (17-0) and Peter “Kid Chocolate” Quillin (15-0) are on the Klitschko-Ibragimov card. The main event is the only bout to air on HBO.

“Mean” Joe Greene

Peter “Kid Chocolate” Quillin

Tickets, priced at $1,000.00, $600.00, $300.00, $200.00 and $100.00, are on sale at the following locations: Manhattan: Demsey’s, 36th W. 33rd (212.629.9899); Queens: Elaine’s Deli, 65 Pl. Maspeth, Fiddlers Irish Pub, 65 Pl. Maspeth, Connelly’s Corner, Grand Ave. Maspeth, Hill Tap Bar, Grand Ave. Maspeth, Doyle’s Corner, Broadway Astoria; Woodside: Starting Gate, Sean Og’s, Saints & Sinners, Gaslight; Sunnyside: McGuinnesses, Maggie Mays; Yonkers: Bronx Heritage, McLean Ave. (914.766.7532); Brooklyn: Gleason’s Gym, 75 Front St. (718.797.2872); Pearl River: Gildea’s Bar & Restaurant (845.735.2564), South Bound Café (845.735.2903); Long Island: Poor House, Hemstead Turnpike (516.859.8780).

For more information go to or call Mark Cahoun (917.939.5199), Pat Nee (917.279.7796), Paul McLoughlin (347.219.1530), Jimmy Kaneary (718.594.0861), Paddy Phealon (516.859.8780) and Jerry Quinn (in Boston – 617.733.4535).

CONTACT: Bob Trieger, Full Court Press

SecondsOut Radio: Dimitri Kirilov, Dmitriy Salita On this week's edition of SecondsOut Radio

SecondsOut Radio: Dimitri Kirilov, Dmitriy Salita On this week's edition of SecondsOut Radio, at, host Eddie Goldman begins by discussing some of the social implications of the rise to prominence of fighters from the countries of the former Soviet Union. Two of those fighters, IBF junior bantamweight champion Dimitri Kirilov (29-3, 9 KOs) of St. Petersburg, Russia, and unbeaten junior welterweight Dmitriy Salita (27-0-1, 15 KOs), originally from Odessa, Ukraine, will be headlining a card Thursday, February 28, at the Roseland Ballroom in New York.

Dmitriy Salita

In the main event, Kirilov will be making the first defense of his title, facing Mexican fighter Cecilio Santos (22-8-2, 12 KOs). In the co-feature, Salita will be fighting an opponent yet to be named. We spoke with both Dimitri Kirilov and Dmitriy Salita at a news conference in New York this past week about their upcoming fights and their careers. It is free to listen to SecondsOut Radio, but you must register to gain access to it. Just click here,,and listen, learn, and enjoy. Thanks, Eddie Goldman No Holds Barred blog No Holds Barred podcast No Holds Barred on MySpace

Saturday, January 26, 2008

NO HOLDS BARRED: Bas Rutten, Jay Larkin, Eddie Alvarez, Paul Daley, Tonya Evinger, Kala Kolohe Hose

NO HOLDS BARRED: Bas Rutten, Jay Larkin, Eddie Alvarez, Paul Daley, Tonya Evinger, Kala Kolohe Hose
On this edition of NO HOLDS BARRED, host Eddie Goldman focuses on recent developments in two of the most important mixed martial arts companies, EliteXC and the International Fight League (IFL).
EliteXC held a card Friday, Jan. 25, at the Trump Taj Mahal in Atlantic City, New Jersey. This card was televised in the U.S. on Showtime on their ShoXC: Elite Challenger Series, which features up-and-coming fighters, as does their ShoBox series for boxing.
On that card, in the main event, local favorite Eddie Alvarez ( knocked out Ross Ebanez in the second round. Paul Daley of England scored a first-round knockout over Sam Morgan. Kala Kolohe Hose of Honolulu scored a first-round knockout over Fred Belleton. Former U.S. national women's wrestling team member Tonya Evinger defeated Julie Kedzie with a first-round rear naked choke submission in what some are calling an upset.
After their fights, we spoke with Eddie Alvarez, Paul Daley, Tonya Evinger, and Kala Kolohe Hose.
The IFL made a series of important announcements last week, including naming former UFC and Pancrase champion Bas Rutten to the newly-created position of Vice President, Fighter Operations.
We spoke with both Bas Rutten and IFL CEO Jay Larkin about these changes as well as what to expect this year from the IFL on a media teleconference call last week.
To listen to NO HOLDS BARRED, click the link at the start of this message, scroll down that page, and just press the play button on the player.
You can also download it by scrolling down that page and clicking on the download link (right-click to save it).
Also, NO HOLDS BARRED is available through iTunes at
The show is in MP3 format, so may take some time to download.
The NO HOLDS BARRED theme song is called "The Heist", by musician Ian Carpenter (
Make sure to check out my regular weekly boxing show SecondsOut Radio. On this week's edition, we begin by discussing some of the social implications of the rise to prominence of fighters from the countries of the former Soviet Union. Two of those fighters, IBF junior bantamweight champion Dimitri Kirilov (29-3, 9 KOs) of St. Petersburg, Russia, and unbeaten junior welterweight Dmitriy Salita (27-0-1, 15 KOs), originally from Odessa, Ukraine, will be headlining a card Thursday, February 28, at the Roseland Ballroom in New York. In the main event, Kirilov will be making the first defense of his title, facing Mexican fighter Cecilio Santos (22-8-2, 12 KOs). In the co-feature, Salita will be fighting an opponent yet to be named. We spoke with both Dimitri Kirilov and Dmitriy Salita at a news conference in New York this past week about their upcoming fights and their careers. It is free to listen to SecondsOut Radio, but you must register to gain access to it. Just click here,, and listen, learn, and enjoy.
Make sure to check out my regular articles on the ADCC News at and on at
NO HOLDS BARRED is free to listen to and is sponsored by:
Art of War (, the undisputed arena fighting championship, promoted by SUN Sports and Entertainment, producing world class mixed martial arts events. For more information, check out their web site, (
IFL, the International Fight League (, the world's first professional mixed martial arts league. Make sure to check out their regular TV shows on FSN (Fox Sports Net) ( in the U.S., and to check your local listings for dates and times. Check out the IFL web site (, for a listing of IFL live events and their TV schedule, at
Gladiator Challenge (, shaking up the mixed martial arts world since 1999, and now with 30 shows per year. For more news and info, check out their web site, ( (, your premier source for all Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu gear, videos, books, and much more.
Gladiator Magazine (, for in-depth coverage of Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu, submission grappling, and MMA, as well as lifestyle articles on surfing, cars, movies, and more. Gladiator Magazine is available at any major bookstore and online at ( or Jiu Jitsu Pro Gear ( (, for news, results, interviews, and free exclusive videos from the worlds of boxing and mixed martial arts.
Thanks, Eddie Goldman
No Holds Barred blog
No Holds Barred podcast
No Holds Barred on MySpace


Trump Taj Mahal Atlantic City Hotel & Casino– On an exciting night that featured solid, non-stop action and entertaining fights, crowd favorite Eddie Alvarez (12-1) of Kensington, Pa., sent the hometown fans home deliriously happy by knocking out Ross Ebanez (18-6-1) of Hilo, Hawaii, in the second round Friday on the 2008 premiere of ShoXC: Elite Challenger Series on SHOWTIME.

In the co-feature presented by Los Angeles-based ProElite, Inc.’s Live Fight Division, EliteXC, talented Paul "Semtex'' Daley (17-6-2) of England scored a first-round knockout over Sam “The Squeeze’’ Morgan (19-10) of St. Paul, Minn.

The SHOWTIME telecast aired at 11 p.m. ET/PT (delayed on the West Coast) from Trump Taj Mahal Atlantic City Hotel & Casino,

Other televised fights: Bao Quach (12-8-1), of Huntington Beach, Calif., registered an upset three-round unanimous decision over Bobby McMaster (8-3), of Boston, “The Hawaiian Rocky Balboa,” Kala Kolohe Hose (5-1), of Honolulu, scored an impressive first-round knockout over Fred Belleton (5-2), of Stoughton, Mass., and Tonya Evinger (6-2), of Reno, Nev., by way of Oak Grove, upset Julie Kedzie (9-7), of Albuquerque, N.M., by way of Greenwood, Ind., with a shockingly easy first-round submission.

In non-televised undercard bouts, promising Wilson Reis (3-0), of Philadelphia, submitted Zach Makovsky (3-1), of Philadelphia, at 1:15 of the second round (side choke), James “Binky’’ Jones (5-5), of Baltimore, Md., submitted Mark Getto (1-4-1), of Philadelphia, at 1:12 of the first (kimura), Brett Linebarger (3-1), of New Jersey, knocked out Sergio Vinagre (2-2), of New Jersey, at 2:29 of the third round, Matt Makowski (2-0), of Philadelphia, submitted Joe Shilling (0-1), of Los Angeles, in the first (choke) and Charlie Brennemen (5-0), of Philadelphia, remained undefeated with a split three-round decision over Drew Puzon (1-2) of New Jersey.

With the crowd chanting “Ed-Dee, Ed-Dee’’ even before he made an appearance into the arena, Alvarez ( was clearly the evening’s most popular winner. After dropping Ebanez during an excellent, fast-paced opening round, he downed the Hawaiian again in the second.

Eddie Alvarez (left) celebrates after closing the show with a second-round KO over Ross Ebanez.

(All photos courtesy of John Beyrooty)

Ebanez ( quickly made it to his feet after going down the first time, but Alvarez pounced on him immediately after the second. He landed three big right hands before the referee stepped in and waved off the fight at 2:32. For Alvarez, it was his 11th victory inside the distance.

“I was a little hesitant in the first round after he caught me with a couple of good shots,’’ the exciting Alvarez said. “But I knew I won the round and that he would try and come out strongly in the second. So I stayed patient, continued to circle to my left and closed the show.

“Fighting and winning on SHOWTIME was really a great thing.’’

Daley ( overcame a fast start by Morgan to win his fifth in a row inside two rounds. Morgan ( may have been slightly ahead after the initial two minutes, but Daley delivered a right elbow that landed flush and that was that.

Paul Daley (right) knocked out Sam Morgan in the first.

“There are a lot of good fighters in EliteXC, and Eddie Alvarez is one of them,’’ Daley said. “But I am the best. I came to the United States to become a world champion. I’ll fight anybody. Line ‘em up.

“He got me with a couple good left shoulders, but I was never hurt. I think the referee did a good job stopping it when he did.’’

In a minor surprise, the soft-spoken, streaking Quach ( dealt McMaster ( a second straight defeat by the scores of 30-27 twice and 29-28.

Bao Quach (left) scored an upset decision victory over Bobby McMaster.

“I wasn’t worried when he had me down,’’ said Quach after winning for the seventh consecutive time. “I always felt stronger. My leg kicks were the difference.
“This was a great win for me, but all wins are great. What I really wanted was to knock him out.’’

Evinger ( was perhaps the most impressive winner on the telecast, mostly dominating Kedzie from the outset before getting Kedzie ( to tap out (rear naked choke) after only 1:43 had elapsed.

Tonya Evinger (on ground) was an impressive first-rounder winner over Julie Kedzie (submission).

“It was a hard fight, but I finally did what I had to do and planned to do and, for once, didn’t screw it up,’’ Evinger said. “Lots of people were picking Julie to win and saying bad things about me. I like Julie; she is one of the top-rated girls in the world and I really don’t care what they say about me.

“But I think now the fans have to take me seriously. I really wanted to win this. I guess it does make a big difference when I actually listen to my coach (Ken Shamrock).

“If Gina (Carano) is ready for a rematch, let’s do it. I really want to avenge my loss to her.’’

In the telecast’s opening bout, Hose ( won a slugfest with Belleton (, stopping him with a perfect right hand to the chin at 4:32 of the first.

Kala Kalohe Hose (right) kicked off the EliteXC fight card on SHOWTIME by knocking out Fred Belleton in the first round of a slugfest Friday in Atlantic City.

It was Hose’s fifth straight victory inside the distance since losing his pro debut (when he fought as a 250-pound heavyweight) and his fourth in a row that ended by KO or TKO in the first round.

This one went a little longer than usual, however. Hose’s last two fights ended in 20seconds and 38 seconds, respectively.

“I knew I had to keep pressuring and get inside because he was so tall. I knew I had to close the distance,’’ said Hose, who was scheduled to face EliteXC/ICON Sport middleweight champion Robbie Lawler in Hawaii in December ’07, but the match was postponed after Lawler suffered a torn bicep in training.

“If I fight Lawler next, that would be great. But I will fight anybody. I just like to fight.’’

Colorful play-by-play announcer Mauro Ranallo called the ShoXC action with the “Fight Professor” Stephen Quadros serving as color analyst. Legendary Frank Shamrock, who fights Cung Le March 29 in San Jose, Calif., on SHOWTIME, was a guest commentator on the telecast. The executive producer of ShoXC is David Dinkins, Jr. with Richard Gaughan producing and Rick Phillips directing.

The next EliteXC fight card on SHOWTIME is Saturday, Feb. 16, at the Bank United Center at the University of Miami. In a long-awaited grudge fight, the incredibly popular pride of Perrine, Fla., Kimbo Slice will take on David “Tank’’ Abbott of Huntington Beach, Calif., in the main event.

Tickets for a spectacular 10-bout event start at $35 and are available at all Ticketmaster locations, online at and at the BankUnited Box Office at the University of Miami.

For more information on EliteXC and other MMA-related stories, including bios, video-on- demand, photos, stats, Fantasy Fight Game TM and more, please visit and

About ProElite, Inc.

ProElite Inc. [PELE.PK] delivers the most exciting entertainment experience in the world of mixed martial arts (MMA) with live arena-based entertainment events, cable television programming on Showtime Networks and community-driven interactive broadband entertainment via the Internet. ProElite embraces MMA with the highest levels of honor, integrity, discipline and self-esteem all the while remaining inclusive for fighters, fans and schools. ProElite’s live fight division, EliteXC, delivers spectacular live MMA fight events that showcase the world’s top fighters []. ProElite’s interactive business,, capitalizes on the growing popularity of the sport of mixed martial arts by building a community of MMA enthusiasts. In addition to streaming the most exciting live fights to the web, ProElite expands the fan base of the sport by providing a comprehensive set of online social networking tools for fans, fighters and organizations. – Empowering the Fight Community TM

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Showtime Networks Inc. (SNI), a wholly-owned subsidiary of CBS Corporation, owns and operates the premium television networks SHOWTIME®, THE MOVIE CHANNEL® and FLIX®, as well as the multiplex channels SHOWTIME 2™, SHOWTIME® SHOWCASE, SHOWTIME EXTREME®, SHOWTIME BEYOND®, SHOWTIME NEXT®, SHOWTIME WOMEN®, SHOWTIME FAMILY ZONE® and THE MOVIE CHANNEL® XTRA. SNI also offers SHOWTIME HD®, THE MOVIE CHANNEL® HD, SHOWTIME ON DEMAND® and THE MOVIE CHANNEL® ON DEMAND. SNI is also an owner and manager of SUNDANCE CHANNEL®, a venture of NBC Universal, Robert Redford and SNI. SNI also manages Smithsonian Networks, a joint venture between SNI and the Smithsonian Institution. All SNI feeds provide enhanced sound using Dolby Digital 5.1. SNI markets and distributes sports and entertainment events for exhibition to subscribers on a pay-per-view basis through SHOWTIME PPV®.

“Champions of Tomorrow” pro boxing show results

Promoter: Jimmy Burchfield’s Classic Entertainment & Sports, Inc, Presents
“Champions of Tomorrow” January 25, 2008 live from Foxwoods.


Jason Estrada (11-1, 2 KOs), Providence, RI WDEC10 (99-91, 99-91, 98-92) Charles Shufford (20-8, 9 KOs), Las Vegas, NV


Aaron Williams (16-0-1, 11 KOs), Las Vegas, NV WDEC8 (80-72, 80-72, 79-73) Manu Ntoh (17-14-1, 10 KOs), Atlanta, GA via Cameroon


Joey McCreedy (6-1, 4 KOs), Lowell, MA WDEC6 (59-55, 59-55, 57-57) Chris Traietti (7-1, 4 KOs), Quincy, MA


Angel Camacho, Jr. (9-0, 4 KOs) WDEC4 (40-36, 40-36, 40-36) Terrence Jones (10-11, 6 KOs), Oklahoma City, OK

Manuel Antonio Lopes (4-0-1, 1 KO), Brockton, MA DRAW4 (38-37, 37-38, 38-38) John Michael Terry (2-7-3, 1 KO), Portsmouth, VA

Brian Macy (1-0, 1 KO), Ledyard, CT WTKO2 (1:34) Pete Guthy (1-2-1, 1 KO), Myrtle Beach, SC


Eric Pinaretta (2-1, 2 KOS), New Bedford, MA WTKO3 (3:00) Bobo Starnino (8-3, 1 KO), Providence, RI


Addy Irizarry (4-1, 2 KOs), Hartford, CT WDEC4(40-36, 40-36, 40-36) Tonya Gallegos (4-7, 2 KOs), Denver, CO


Matt Remillard (12-0, 7 KOs), Manchester, CT WDEC10 (98-92, 98-93, 96-94) Manuel Perez (11-4, 2 KOs), Denver, CO
(Remillard wins WBC Youth featherweight title)

Matchmaker: Ted Panagiotis


MATT REMILLARD 124 LBS.(WBC Youth Featherweight Championship)