What: Pugilists and Popcorn Forum on boxing cinema presented by Fighting
Irishmen: Celebrating Celtic Prizefighters 1820-Present in association with the South Street Seaport; film clips and lively discussion on Hollywood ’s fascination with the sweet science.
Who: On the Waterfront author Budd Schulberg; legendary boxer “Irish” Micky
Ward; boxing promoter Lou DiBella, actor Tony LoBianco, female boxer
Maureen Shea; moderator Jim Houlihan, curator of exhibit (speakers subject
to change).
When: Tuesday, September 18, 2007
Where: Tour
South Street Seaport Museum
12 Fulton Street
Panel Discussion
Downtown Association
60 Pine Street
Subways: 2,3,4,5,J,Z or M to Fulton Street ; A or C to Broadway-Nassau.
Time: 6:00 PM tour, 7:30 PM Panel discussion
Tickets: $35 and $50 VIP (vip ticket also includes private tour or exhibit;
refreshments included in price of admission)
Contact: Carol Rauscher, 212-748-8776, crauscher@southstseaport.org
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