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Thursday, February 7, 2008

Nabaté's TV/Webcast show 'So Much to Talk About' will interview one of the most prolific writers of the 20th Century, Mr. Budd Schulberg

For the next two Wednesdays (two-part interview February 6 and 13 ), Nabaté's TV/Webcast show will air an interview with one of the most prolific writers of the 20th Century, Mr. Budd Schulberg. Mr. Schulberg has written great novels like 'What Makes Sammy Run' and 'The Harder They Fall', penned the Oscar-Winning screenplay for 'On the Waterfront', and is a member of the World Boxing Hall of Fame. His son, Benn, who is an accomplished writer himself, is producing a documentary on his father's life and he's part of the interview as well.

Nabaté Isles

'So Much to Talk About' Every Wednesday @ 9pm (Eastern Time)
Channel 57 (Time Warner-Manhattan Cable)
Channel 84 (RCN-Manhattan Cable)
Streams LIVE:, click 57/84 link

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