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Thursday, March 13, 2008

March 15 Harlem Townhall Meeting: 125th Rezoning, Gentrification and Paterson‏



Gentrification Tasmanian Hits Harlem With a Bang

Get on the Unity Boat to Save Harlem!
Are you fed up with high rent, shoddy or no repairs, no heat & hot water, luxury condos all over Harlem with few if any local residents getting jobs, the silence of elected officials, the rezoning of 125th Street, Columbia University's Expansion, eminent domain abuse, developments all over East, West and Central for the wealthy and rich corporation. IF SO, JOIN US ON:

Saturday, March 15, 2008 (1 PM to 4 PM) Harriet Tubman School (Auditorium)
250 West 127th Street(Between Adam Clayton Powell and Frederick Douglass Blvds)

*** David Paterson: New York's Next Governor?

What will it Mean for Harlem?

Opening Session: A Demand for Action from Elected Officials

Invited: New York City Council Members Inez Dickens, Robert Jackson and Melissa Mark Viverto; State Assemblyman Keith Wright, State Senator Bill Perkins, Congressman Charles Rangel and Manhattan Borough President Scott Stringer.
Tenant Education & Empowerment: Review of Legislation & Public Policies

Presenter: Joe Lamport, Citywide Task Force on Housing Court

Campaign for Civil Right to Counsel in New York State: the right of counsel in civil legal matters related to human rights including the right of counsel in Housing Court.

New York City Council proposed legislation to provide counsel for low income senior citizens in Housing Court.

Ethics of Housing Court Judges: Learn how you can report the details of your housing court experience that can have an impact on the reappointment of Housing Court judges in 2008.

Reports to the Community:
Racketeering Lawsuit Against Pinnacle (Attorney Kim Powell, BRUSH (Buyers and Renters United to Save Harlem)

Abyssinian Development Corp: One of Harlem's Worst Landlords? Lisa Jones, Tenant Activist

Organizing Against Vantage Properties: Luis Tejeda, Mirabal Sisters/Valerie Orridge, President of Delano Village Tenants Association

New York City Planning Commission Approves 125th St. Rezoning, Michael Henry Adams, Harlem Historian and Author of"Harlem Lost and Found"
Legal Action to Oppose Rezoning of 125th Street, Craig Schley, VOTE People

Unity Statement:

Toward Building a United Tenant Coalition of Greater Harlem & Washington Heights.
For additional information contact the Harlem Tenants Council at 212-234-5005 or 646-812-5188. Email:Harlem
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