While African Sports Monthly started as an online magazine in 2010, the first print edition is due out in late February 2012. The African Sports Media Network is also in the process of developing African sports television and radio networks..
We spoke with Leslie Koroma, who is currently based in Houston, Texas, by phone Thursday afternoon, about the history-making general growth of sports in Africa. We began, however, by noting the tragic deaths of over 70 people at the recent football riots in Egypt, what that signified, and why that was the biggest sports story in the world in the past week.
Africa is the birthplace of the combat sports, and we focused on
recent developments in the combat sports there. Leslie Koroma
explained that while there are several mixed martial arts
organizations in Africa as well as a number of prominent boxers and
boxing events, the biggest form of combat sports in Sub-Saharan Africa
is Senegalese wrestling.
Based on the traditional style of wrestling in Senegal, Senegalese
wrestling has developed into a major professional sport which is
widely televised in the region, and has produced colorful stars with
nicknames like Tyson and Yekini, with many of their matches available
on YouTube.
We also discussed the need for Senegalese wrestling to have a more
formal structure than it has now, the rise of new MMA groups in South
Africa and Egypt, the enormous talent in Africa that deserves
worldwide exposure, the improving economic climate in Africa, the
possibility of Africa overtaking Asia in growth sometime later this
century, and much more.
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