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Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Share My Love; By Shari Robinson, Nedra Crawley and Teesha Sumpter are two beautiful women in search of true love....

Share My Love; By Shari Robinson


Nedra Crawley and Teesha Sumpter are two beautiful women in search of true love. Both are intelligent and emotionally available, but in a society where men seem to have far more options than women do, the two succumb to their fears: the fear that they'll never be able to have a man all their own.

In "Share My Love", we go with the young women as they struggle through their personal insecurities, their hopes and dreams for the future, and ultimately, their willingness to risk their hearts and egos for the chance to experience true intimacy with a man.

Nedra knows all about the shortcomings of men. After all, her own beloved father disillusions her when he reveals himself to be less than the perfect gentleman she'd grown up believing he was. When Nedra's mother breaks it down to her that men and women are simply not alike when it comes to things like fidelity and sexual appetite, we see her lay down her ideals for the sake of "versatility". But is she fooling herself?

Not even Teesha's sheltered southern upbringing can squelch the sexual hunger she feels inside. But as she goes from one humiliating experience to another, it finally takes its toll. By the time her new best friend comes up with a unique and intriguing plan to get them both the love they crave and the security they need, she is ripe to try something revolutionary in the bedroom. They agree to share the same man on a rotating schedule of sex, outings and vacations, but can this idea really work?

In "Share My Love", the question of whether or not three is company gets answered once and for all. Is three pleasant company or emotional chaos?

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