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Friday, May 30, 2008


“CBS ELITEXC SATURDAY NIGHT FIGHTS’’Spotlight Live, New York City, Incredibly popular Kimbo Slice, of Perrine, Fla., will face England’s James “Colossus’’ Thompson in the main event in one of five fights on the inaugural “CBS ELITEXC SATURDAY NIGHT FIGHTS”this Saturday, May 31 (9-11 p.m. ET/PT) on the CBS Television Network.

Shaw stands next to Kimbo Slice, who will fight England's James "Colossus'' Thompson in the main event of a five-fight telecast.

Photos: TOM CASINO/EliteXC

The history-making, first-ever mixed martial event in primetime on network television will be presented by Los Angeles-based Pro Elite, Inc.’s live fight division, EliteXC, from the Prudential Center at Newark, N.J.

Colossus takes his turn at the mike.

In other televised fights: Crowd-pleasing EliteXC middleweight champion “Ruthless’’ Robbie Lawler of St. Louis defends against hard-hitting Scott Smith of Sacramento, Calif.; talented unbeaten Gina Carano of Las Vegas will face confident, hard-hitting Kaitlin Young of Circle Pines, Minn., in a women’s fight at 140 pounds, exciting, charismatic Phil Baroni of Long Island, N.Y., meets determined, hard-nosed
Joey Villasenor of Albuquerque, N.M. in a 185-pound scrap and undefeated, power-punching Brett Rogers of Minneapolis takes on the versatile Jon Murphy of Philadelphia in a heavyweight match.

The 10 athletes who will compete during a fight card presented by Los Angeles-based ProElite, Inc.'s live fight division, EliteXC, on CBS, and Shaw pose at the conclusion of the press conference. The fighters (left-to-right): Brett Rogers, Joey Villasenor, Kaitlin Young, Scott Smith, Colossus, Kimbo, Robbie Lawler, Gina Carano, Phil Baroni and Jon Murphy.

Tickets for the live event start at $25 and are available at Ticketmaster locations, by phone (201)507-8900, online at and at the Prudential Center box office (973) 757-6625. Doors open at 5:30 p.m. ET. The first live fight is at 6:30.

GARY SHAW, EliteXC Live Events President

“I want to thank everybody for being here. Saturday, at 9 p.m., on CBS is going to be a tremendous, historic night for mixed martial arts and EliteXC is proud to present it to the millions and millions watching on television and live in attendance. No one is going to be disappointed. CBS, its announcers, the production team, all of us at ProElite and EliteXC, the fight team, could not be happier or more excited.

A special thanks to Ken Hershman (Senior Vice President and General Manager, SHOWTIME Sports Programming, Matt Blanc (Chief Executive Officer, SHOWTIME) and SHOWTIME – without them, none of this would have been possible.

I also want to thank the press for the outstanding job they have done for this mega event. We are on the front pages of sports sections. The turnout here is outstanding. So, thanks to all of you.

I would have our fighters fight with another organization. I have said all along, the UFC is a fine organization. They are nice people. They put on some of the finest fights in the world, but it is not the only organization that has fine fighters or fights.

We will hopefully announce the next CBS fight on Saturday. There are two parts of it – it is CBS programming making sure it doesn’t conflict with any other commitments and it is us getting the right venue. Those are the two things we are working on right now. I can tell you it will be late summer to very early fall. (But) Pray for us for Saturday first.

Ticket sales are at about 7,000 right now. We are happy about it. In-arena ticket sales may be hurt because of the area and because it is going to be on primetime television. I think we have done such a spectacular job talking about CBS that it is almost like people want to stay home and watch it on CBS and have a party.

Roughly 96 percent of the CBS affiliates are showing the fight card. Every major market is showing the fight.

It won’t be much different of a format. For us, we have been on SHOWTIME which is a network that is advertising free. We will roll out the show in the same manner, but will have commercial breaks. The in-arena atmosphere will be high energy and entertaining. Commercials will be the only difference. We are not going to cut away right before a knock out.’’

DOUG DELUCA, Executive Chairman, ProElite, Inc.

“First of all, I want to thank my wife and my baby in the first row. Without them, I wouldn’t be on this wild ride with Gary and Kelly (Kahl, Senior Executive Vice President, CBS Primetime). Thank you to all the press. I am an entertainment guy myself, so to see all of the support for this sport in its shining moment is an amazing thing. This is being broadcast in many other countries. We are in for one hell of a night. You know in a business when the team is gelling. Everybody is working like a team.

Gary said most of the thank yous, but I want to say a big thank you to our partners, SHOWTIME and, now, CBS, who have thrown all the guns at this. You see the press this is getting. You see the promos surrounding the event. They (both) promised they would be a true partner and they have been a true partner. Everyone is really in for a treat. It is really going to be a special event. I am as excited as Gary. This is a first-class announce team. This team is excited. They are working overtime on their own. They know they sport. They are meeting with the athletes.

I always say when I talk about broadcasting how the NFL taught viewers how to watch football. We are going to help the viewers who not-yet fans of MMA, tell them about MMA and draw them in. Anyone who gives it a chance will fall in love with the sport and be compelled by it.

The huge thanks is to our fighters. They put so much pressure on themselves each time they compete. The pressure that this event has added to these guys, I don’t envy. They are all doing it with smiles. My hat is off to you guys. A heartfelt thanks for a great event. Win, lose or draw, you are all champs.

The ProElite team has been working hard for over a year. We promised that it would come together and it will come together on Saturday night. I hope to see all of your there and thank you from the bottom of my heart.’’

EliteXC Live Events President Gary Shaw speaks at a jam-packed dais during the final press conference for "CBS ELITEXC SATURDAY NIGHT FIGHTS'' Thursday at Spotlight Live in downtown Manhattan, N.Y. The history-making, first-ever mixed martial arts event in primetime on network television will be shown this Saturday, May 31, on the CBS Television Network (9 p.m.-11 p.m. ET/PT).


"The first time I introduced Kimbo, I was introducing him as a YouTube sensation with over 10 million hits. I knew he was a star then. I knew he could be a superstar. There are great basketball players, but nothing like Michael Jordan. There are great golfers, but nothing like Tiger Woods. Every once in a while there is someone who crosses over that line to a superstar. You just know. When Mike Tyson walked in, the place erupted. When someone else walked in there were only a few claps. Well, Kimbo Slice is a superstar. He is probably the most recognizable name in all of MMA. On May 31, when he gets in the cage, he will be the single most known face of MMA.

(UFC’s) Dana White will be at home watching us on CBS. When he rips Kimbo Slice, it only proves he is an idiot. When he says that BJ Penn is the best fighter in the whole family and can knock out Kimbo Slice, the DEA should raid his home. I know BJ Penn would never say that and is probably embarrassed. Although BJ Penn is the best fighter in the family, he’s not the smartest Penn (JD, his brother, is an executive at EliteXC).

If you want to do something good for the sport, you should support CBS. Whether Kimbo has two fights, or six, he is raising the tide of MMA. All ships rise with the tide. The fighters on this card have said it. There is nothing to be embarrassed about. He trains with Bas Rutten. If you train with him, you are a real fighter. Randy (Khatami), the whole camp you see, are not paid by Kimbo. They are a family. He is first class. He is the closest thing I know to Tyson. He has an off and off switch. When he is off, you would have him baby sit your kids without a second thought. When it is on, someone is in trouble for sure.

Kimbo has a complex side to him as well. He is intelligent. He is well-read, well-versed. He is street through and through. He has not forgotten where he came from. On the bus ride over here, he told me he bought two 26-inch TVs and is going to give them to someone needy in the work area in Newark. He wants to leave Newark with a positive impression. It not only says something about Kimbo but the MMA family. I am telling you, Kimbo Slice is real.

We are up for the challenge in a cage. When this is over, you will be proud that Kimbo has represented MMA. You will be proud he is a family man and has taken care of his kids. You will find when the story is over that Kimbo rose to the occasion as a standup guy. He is our franchise player right now. The guys that has helped us more than he knows. I have called upon him more than any other athlete."


“I don’t have much to say. I was to thank CBS and EliteXC. CBS rules.

I don’t feel like all the pressure is on me to perform a certain way. Not at all.

I don’t underestimate any fighter. Just because he has lost a couple fights, doesn’t mean he isn’t going to come out strong.’’


“It is a wonderful opportunity for me. I have come in nice and quiet and I am looking forward to it. It has been a long time coming to get on CBS. I am very lucky and I look forward to making the most of it.’’


“I don’t have much to say. I’m ready to fight. It is nice to be on CBS. I am going to put on a show.’’


"I have to thank my family and friends. They have followed me from Vegas to Miami to Ireland and now to New Jersey. They support and believe in me. They know what I am capable of and now it is time to show the fans that tune into CBS. This fight is a dream fight for me. Robbie is an exciting fighter and a great champion, but I believe that I can be a champion. These guys are awesome. Once again, this is a fight I would buy on pay-per-view to watch. It is great that everyone will be able to see it. Thanks to CBS for allowing me to be a part of it.’’


“I would like to thank my fans, all the people that have supported me and God. I think Kaitlin is a great opponent for me. (We’re going to) blow the (heck) of our women’s MMA. I appreciate everyone’s support and I hope the fight goes well. I’m ready. Let’s do it.

It depends on the day if I feel pressure. Sometimes I feel pressure. Sometime it depends on the hour. Sometimes I say ‘forget about the pressure.’ I am just another human being that is living and doing the best I can. I am doing surprisingly well today. I am looking forward to the fight. I want to get this fight over and jump into the gym and train for the next one.

I think Kaitlin is going to be one of my tougher matchups. I think this is going to be a very big test of what I am capable of doing. I hope it comes out good. You can only hope for the best.’’


"I want to thank EliteXC, CBS and ProElite. I think it will be a great fight. We bring out the best in each other. I think that women’s MMA has been overlooked in other leagues until EliteXC came around. I am really excited and honored. I have trained harder for this fight than I ever have. I’m excited to put on a good fight for you on Saturday night."


"I want to say what an honor it is for a veteran like me to fight on such a big card. We are making history, not only for MMA and EliteXC, but for my family. From that night on, my family lives forever. That gives me nothing but great pride. They are going to have a chance to see all of us fighters. Everyone is going to have a chance to see us, family men and real people. It is a chance to get new fans out there. I can’t wait to perform on Saturday. I feel like I am at my best. What an honor.’’


“I am just a fighter. I am here to fight. Once I step in the cage, I am just here to fight no matter how many TV’s are on it.

“I am ready to stomp this guy. He knows it and I know it.’’


“I just want to thank Gary and EliteXC, ProElite and CBS. I have been doing this for five years or so and I am glad to be a part of it. We had always hoped that it would get to this level. It is going to gain a lot of fans. I am looking forward to Saturday’s fight.

I am excited to have the first fight. It is a good way to set the tone. When Brett and I go out there and have a great fight, we will set the tone for the evening.

Being on network TV is a huge step for all that is happening in MMA. It is going to be showing to the widest audience possible. It is obviously going to pick up more fans. It is perfect for me.

Brett’s a big, strong guy. He fights hard. He is a pretty athletic guy from what I have seen. I think our styles match up perfectly and it is going to be a great fight. Of course, I am going to win. I don’t predict, I just go and fight. This is the best shape I have been in, so I am ready to rock.

I donated 15 inches of my hair to “Locks of Love” back on Jan. 1. That is pretty much why I grew it in the first place – two and a half years worth.’’


I would like to thank EliteXC for allowing me to be a part of this. This is real big thing to be on CBS. I have been fighting for five or six years. I never thought I’d be here today. I’d like to thank my family, friends and sponsors. We are the first show and I know it will be exciting.

It means a lot to be the first fight on such a big night. I’m thankful that EliteXC is even allowing me a chance. I am respectful for that. But I’ve been working hard and deserve this. I am definitely going to take my time and win each fight.

I predict our fight is going to be stand and bang unless he decides he wants to take me to the ground. If he wants to hold me, I might play into his game, but I say I win by KO.

It’s funny. Every time Kimbo has fought, I’ve been on the same fight card. I have my views on it, but it is good because everyone wants to see the show. He is the highlight right now. At least people can see me too and I can catch the eyes of the fans. Once I get to his level, there will be no surprises. Everyone will know what I am capable of doing and they will love what they see.’’

GUS JOHNSON, Play-By-Play Announcer

“I’d like to say it’s an honor to work with these artists from the world of mixed martial arts. They are truly real, live warriors. I think we all can learn a lot from their passion, commitment and dedication. This is a sport that has to be given the proper credit for shows like this. These great artists will start to gain recognition nationally and internationally with this broadcast on CBS.

I have had an opportunity to call a lot of major national events with the National Football League on CBS, the NCAA Tournament and I am the voice of the Knicks. I have had a chance to call boxing at Madison Square Garden at a very high level. I have had the opportunity to train as a boxer, to study as a kung fu artist, and most recently to take up jiu-jitsu.

This sport is the sport of the future. It takes a very intelligent person to be able to fight in so many different ways whether that be standing or a jiu-jitsu man using guillotines. This is a wonderful opportunity for everyone involved. I love this sport and it is a rising sport for kids of all ages, especially that 15-22 demographic. I believe there are jiu-jitsu academies and martial art studios popping up all over the county because of it. I really believe mixed martial arts and, hopefully EliteXC, will lead the way to a whole new era in American sports.’’


"I certainly know what it feels like to throw some kicks and punches. I’ve done all that stuff. I am honored to be the commentator for this momentous event. Mixed martial arts is a lifestyle. It’s an art form. It is a mini-movement in the USA and around the world. For some reason right now, making a living through fighting and having a purpose for that and representing your family, your community, yourself in a professional fashion has just become fashionable and I appreciate that. I have been that guy for some time. I plan to call it like I see it. I plan to put my special flavor on it, which is to tell the truth. I am proud to be part of such an amazing movement at such an amazing time. Hopefully, I have some good years left in me. It is an honor to be here. Thank you for this.’’


"I want to thank ProElite and everyone involved. I want to thank SHOWTIME and of course the people at CBS for having the foresight to bring the greatest sport to the forefront. I am deeply honored and thrilled to be a part of this landmark event. I have been a fan of Gus Johnson for many years. I think we have the same passion and intensity. I know he is going to be tremendous for this sport. Of course, Frank Shamrock is a pioneer in the sports of MMA, an entertainer and definitely one of the most educated people when it comes to articulating our sport. I think it is up to me and the other commentators to tell the story of all of these tremendous athletes up here. They are all intelligent, all educated, all of them champions in there specialty whether it is judo, boxing. It is a dawn of a new era in mixed martial arts. I had the opportunity to commentate in Japan where there were 35,000-40,000 people in the stands and they were front page the next day. It is about time that MMA is front page news for the right reasons here. We are all going to entertain and educate. These fighters are going to put on one hell of a show. Enjoy the show. Thank you very much."


“Thank you, Gary and Ken. I was so glad someone came and asked me to do this. This is going to be amazing. I have been a fan of this sport for several years. This is the wave of the future. This is the sport of right now. We already get along great, the announce team. I think the enthusiasm, passion and love we have for this sport will really show. I am really glad to see Gina and Kaitlyn here. I’m glad there are women on the card. It is really a thrill to see that and introduce people to the sport. ‘We’ love fighting just as much as the guys. I think it is going to be a win-win for everyone. I’m pleased, thrilled. I’ve been a MTV vee-jay, I’ve sat behind the desk at CNN. I love this job. It’s a blast. Thank you again for giving me the opportunity. I think it is going to be great.’’

NICK LEMBO, NJ Sports Commission

“There is a middle school here where we used to have MMA shows. Within six years, we’ve gone from middle school to primetime network television on CBS. I think it is great for the sport. I’m very glad Gary selected New Jersey as the host venue. It’s a huge moment for the sport.’’

JOY GULLEDGE, Prudential Center

"On behalf of ownership at the AEG facility. I am happy to be here. We are a very new building and are excited to ride the wave of excitement surrounding MMA. We are looking forward to an exciting event. We hope to see everyone there."

Starlite Boxing's Sweetscience The Video Channel Online

EL Boxing Empress Keisha Morrisey's Myspace

Honorable Keisha Morrisey

©®™ 2007, 2008 All photos by "EL Boxing Empress" Keisha Morrisey- Empire Morrisey Studios, for Bloodline Boxing Communications Entertainment and Starlite Boxing's Sweetscience Magnews-Online Publication all rights reserved


CHICAGO, IL- World Boxing Council Lightweight Champion David Diaz will jet to California this weekend to join boxing superstar Manny Pacquiao in an open workout for Bay Area fans and media this Saturday, May 31st.

The open workouts will take place at the West Wind School, 1551 University Ave. (between California and Sacramento Streets) in Berkeley. Diaz will hit the ring promptly at 11am with Pacquiao following at 12noon.

Diaz is currently training in Chicago for his world title defense against Pacquiao set for June 28th at Mandalay Bay Resort and Casino in Las Vegas, Nevada..

Said Diaz after a vigorous sparring session at JABB Boxing Gym in Chicago, “It’s a quick trip but it gives me a chance to work in front of the fans and media in the Bay Area. I fought there as an amateur in 1995 and the fans were very supportive so I’m looking forward to this trip.”

Further updates on Diaz’s preparation can be viewed at his blog on the Chicago Sun-Times website at . Additional information can also be viewed at his website and at

Promoted by Top Rank, in association with MP Promotions, Pacquiao vs. Diaz will take place Saturday, June 28, at Mandalay Bay Resort & Casino, Las Vegas, Nevada. The 12-round lightweight championship bout will be produced and distributed live by HBO Pay-Per-View, beginning at 9 P.M. ET /6 P.M. PT.

Remaining tickets for Pacquiao vs.Diaz, priced at $600, $400, $300, $200 and $100, can be purchased at the Mandalay Bay box office and at all Las Vegas Ticketmaster locations (select Smith’s Food and Drug Centers, Macy’s West at the Fashion Show Mall, and Ritmo Latino). Ticket sales are limited to eight (8) per person. To charge by phone with a major credit card, call Ticketmaster at (702) 474-4000 or Mandalay Bay (702) 632-7580. Tickets are also available for purchase at or

“This will be my hardest-fought battle,” said Pacquiao. “It’s been over three years since I have changed weight divisions and I will be doing it against the lightweight division’s world champion. I saw how he took the fight to Erik Morales in his last title defense and I’m expecting to see the same firepower out of him when we meet. But this is my drive for five. Five world titles in five different weight classes and I will not be denied. I am fighting for history, for destiny and for my people of the Philippines.”

"Manny Pacquiao has beaten many great fighters, especially Mexicans like Morales, Barrera, Marquez, Larios and Solis. That's why they call him “The Mexicutioner,” said Diaz. “I will shock the world and beat Pacquiao at his own game, power for power. He’s a great champion but he’s fighting in my division – lightweight. I have worked too hard for this world title and I will not give it up to him."

“Two world champions, at the top of their game, matching each other in speed, power, stamina and courage is a recipe for a great fight,” said Hall of Fame promoter Bob Arum. “Manny has never felt the power thrown at this weight class just as Diaz has never gone toe-to-toe with such a human dynamo. But Manny possesses an inner strength from his fellow countrymen the likes I have never seen as a promoter with over 40 years of experience. Manny is more than a national treasure to the Philippines, he is the very symbol of its national pride. He doesn’t fight for himself, he fights for his people. It’s a responsibility that no other athlete could, or attempt to, accomplish.”

“Boxing fans recognize that in Pacquiao vs. Diaz you have one of the sport’s best fighters and biggest attractions moving up in weight to challenge a bigger, stronger champion,” said HBOPPV’s Mark Taffet. “It’s a very intriguing proposition and we look forward to the event."

Dubbed "Republica Enemy No. 1," Pacquiao (46-3-2, 34 KOs), from General Santos City, Philippines, has blitzed through the best fighters Mexico has had to offer since 2003 including Erik Morales (KO 3, TKO 10), Marco Antonio Barrera (TKO 11, W 12), Juan Manuel Marquez (W 12, D 12), Oscar Larios (W 12), Emanuel Lucero (TKO 3), Hector Velazquez (TKO 6) and Jorge Solis (KO 8). Pacquiao was named 2006 Fighter of the Year by the Boxing Writers Association of America and The Ring magazine for his two spectacular knockout victories of Mexican icon and three-division champion Morales, as well as his dominating 12-round unanimous decision over former world champion Larios. The hard-hitting southpaw has won 22 of his last 23 bouts including 2007 victories over Barrera and Solis. Pacquiao’s 12-round split decision victory over Marquez earlier this year not only avenged a disputed draw from their 2004 battle, it also made Pacman a four-division world champion.

Diaz (34-1-1, 17 KOs), from Chicago, will be making the second defense of his title. He successfully defended it against the three-division world champion Morales last summer winning a hard-fought unanimous decision over the future Hall of Famer. Although behind on the scorecards early, Diaz remained cool and rallied before the raucous hometown Chicago crowd of 10,000 to capture the decision. He swept the championship rounds and won the decision by scores of 114-113, 115-113 and 115-112. With the victory, Diaz cemented his place among the best lightweights in the sport and one of the most popular and respected athletes in the sports-crazy town of Chicago. A member of the 1996 U.S. Olympic team, Diaz, with 12 years of experience as a professional, is more than prepared to handle the pressures that come with battling boxing’s pound-for-pound most exciting fighter.

The Pacquiao vs. Diaz pay-per-view telecast beginning at 9 p.m. ET / 6 p.m. PT, has a suggested retail price of $49.95, will be produced and distributed by HBO Pay-Per-View and will be available to 71 million pay-per-view homes. The telecast will be available in HD-TV for those viewers who can receive HD. HBO Pay-Per-View is the leading supplier of event programming to the pay-per-view industry. For Pacquiao vs. Diaz fight week updates, log on to

Starlite Boxing's Sweetscience The Video Channel Online

EL Boxing Empress Keisha Morrisey's Myspace

Honorable Keisha Morrisey

©®™ 2007, 2008 All photos by "EL Boxing Empress" Keisha Morrisey- Empire Morrisey Studios, for Bloodline Boxing Communications Entertainment and Starlite Boxing's Sweetscience Magnews-Online Publication all rights reserved

Bootsy Collins busts out his bass to set the mood for documentary-style boxing video game Don King Presents:Prizefighter, Soundtrack & Ring Walk Music

2K Sports announced today the artists featured in the soundtrack and ring walk music for the highly anticipated boxing video game, Don King Presents: Prizefighter. To accurately capture different eras of boxing atmosphere, Venom Games compiled more than 70 songs to complement the game, from rock to rap to metal to soul and funk.

The soundtrack will include artists and songs such as Run DMC’s “It’s Tricky,” and Survivor’s massively popular “Eye of the Tiger,” along with legendary funk bassist, Bootsy Collins, who will provide an exclusive original “Prizefighter” theme song for the game.

"As an avid boxing fan myself, it's been a great pleasure having the opportunity to work on the theme song and be a part of Don King Presents: Prizefighter," said Bootsy Collins. "With different out-of-the-ring situations, documentary and exclusive interview footage, boxing fans are going to get funked up and totally involved with a funky sensation of being in the ring to feel the full boxing experience. Not only that, the music will rock you, knock you, and pounce on your ear hole. Watch out now, or you may get a standing 8 count! Bootsy Collins here, and in yo ear hole baba!!!”

Below are some of the artists* appearing in the soundtrack and ring walk music for Don King Presents: Prizefighter:

Blue Oyster Cult

Bootsy Collins

Boss Martians

George Clinton

Iggy Pop

James Brown



Stereo Black

Suicidal Tendencies


Tower of Power

Wild Cherry

* The full list of artists in the soundtrack and ring walk music can be found at

Don King Presents: Prizefighter will deliver the deepest, most authentic and entertaining boxing experience available. The life of a boxer is more than just a night at the fights, and more about building a career and rising to stardom. In Don King Presents: Prizefighter, players must train, overcome adversity, get promoted and avoid temptation in order to rise in notoriety. The story of their struggle to become champion unfolds in a unique, live-action sports documentary style that features real-life legends and current stars from the world of boxing including Ken Norton, Larry Holmes, Andrew Gollotta, Joe Calzaghe, and many others. Heather Vandeven, the reigning 2007 Penthouse Pet of the Year, and popular video vixen Bria Myles, also star in the documentary and act as temptations for boxers throughout their career.

Don King Presents: Prizefighter will be available on June 10, 2008 for Xbox 360® video game and entertainment system from Microsoft, and this fall for Wii™ home video game system from Nintendo and Nintendo DS™. For more information, please visit

Starlite Boxing's Sweetscience The Video Channel Online

EL Boxing Empress Keisha Morrisey's Myspace

Honorable Keisha Morrisey

©®™ 2007, 2008 All photos by "EL Boxing Empress" Keisha Morrisey- Empire Morrisey Studios, for Bloodline Boxing Communications Entertainment and Starlite Boxing's Sweetscience Magnews-Online Publication all rights reserved


NEW YORK: The International Fight League (OTC.BB: IFLI ) and, a leading sports social media site, today announced a strategic relationship whereby IFL will add SportsGist social media functionality to its Website ( and enable athletes, coaches and fans to build a robust community around their passion for the sport of Mixed Martial Arts. “ is delighted to collaborate with the IFL on a dynamic new way for athletes and fans to engage with each other,” said SportsGist Chairman Brian Donaghy. “Given the passion of the followers of the sport of Mixed Martial Arts, and the affinity that the demo has for online communication, we anticipate spirited dialogue and the very rapid development of this vibrant community.” “We are always looking for new avenues in the digital space to connect our fans with our legendary coaches and our group of young, emerging athletes, and partnering with a leader like SportsGist is the next logical step,” said IFL CEO Jay Larkin. “This will give everyone the tools that will make publishing content, sharing information and communicating with each other simple.” IFL athletes will be able to create their own individual profiles and open up direct athlete-fan communications to make the sport even more immediate and personal. Individual fan groups will have the option of maintaining group privacy or being open to each other. The site will allow for the posting of video, photos, audio clips, blogs, articles and other information. provides a social media extension for sports league, association and team Websites. SportsGist is building an online community where athletes, fans and experts share ideas, insider information, video, digital photos, and audio clips which enhance the sports experience. ( This is the latest in a series of landmark online partnerships that the IFL has forged for the brand and the sport of Mixed Martial Arts. Other groundbreaking partnerships include IFL content and programming share deals with YouTube, and PalTalk, among other industry leaders. IFL content is among the most viewed original MMA content in the new media space. International Fight League™ (IFL) has its headquarters in New York. For more information about IFL, please see:

"I've wined and dined on mulligan stewand never wished for turkey,As I hitched and hiked and grifted toofrom Maine to Albuquerque."- from 'The Lady is a Tramp,' 1937Jerry Milani

Starlite Boxing's Sweetscience The Video Channel Online

EL Boxing Empress Keisha Morrisey's Myspace

Honorable Keisha Morrisey

©®™ 2007, 2008 All photos by "EL Boxing Empress" Keisha Morrisey- Empire Morrisey Studios, for Bloodline Boxing Communications Entertainment and Starlite Boxing's Sweetscience Magnews-Online Publication all rights reserved

Boxing Herald's, Chris Robinson sits down for an exclusive interview with Jerson Ravelo; The Genuine Nature of Jerson Ravelo

The Genuine Nature of Jerson Ravelo
Chris Robinson

Boxing Herald's, Chris Robinson sits down for an exclusive interview with Jerson Ravelo

Jerson Ravelo

Have a good talk with super middleweight Jerson Ravelo and it might be hard afterwards to associate him with a sport as cruel and punishing as boxing. Ravelo is a man who is extremely positive in his ways and it's hard to find a mean streak in the Dominican Republic native. Maybe his kindness comes from his upbringing or perhaps it stems from his learning lessons while being involved in the sport, but either way, Ravelo's humble nature seems to be what largely defines him.

Jerson Ravelo and Andre Ward

As he prepares for a June 20 showdown with undefeated Andre Ward, Ravelo is at a crossroads in his career. Just four years ago Ravelo was undefeated and on the verge of taking his career to new heights. An unexpected loss to David Lopez in April of 2004 saw Ravelo lose both his undefeated record and the support from many around him. Ravelo regrouped well, but another loss to Allan Green would follow in October of 2006, again setting the New Jersey resident back. Now sporting an 18-2 record with 10 knockouts, Ravelo has carved out a career that has been highly respectable yet still unfulfilled in many areas.

The losses in his career have been hard to take, but the lessons that Ravelo has learned along the way are priceless. Learning the true meaning of friendship and support after his setbacks, Ravelo is a man reluctant to give his trust to just anyone. And these days, he spends much of his time to himself. He knows what it is to be at both ends of the spectrum, as he was once an undefeated prospect on the rise and now finds himself as the underdog to the younger, undefeated Ward -- a 2004 Athens Olympics gold medalist. It may not have been scri pted the way he liked, but Jerson Ravelo's career has introduced him to a healthy dose of the good and bad associated within the sport. To his credit, Ravelo has remained steadfast throughout and a victory over Ward on June 20 will allow him to turn the tables in his favor.

Just weeks away from a pivotal make or break moment in his career, Ravelo was calm and low key as he spoke about his past experiences within the sport. In his own words, this is what Jerson Ravelo had to say about his showdown with Andre Ward, his childhood days, his early years in boxing, his dreams in life, and more…

Nettles Nasir, trainer and Jerson Ravelo

Coming to Win…

"I'm not really looking at my fight with Andre Ward as far as my advantages go. I don't want to look at it like that. I think it's a very interesting matchup. We have similar styles. He has shown his ability in previous fights and I think it's a good matchup. I just think that he's coming to win, I'm coming to win and whoever wants it more and is more determined will be the victorious one."

Early years…

"I was born in the Dominican Republic. I came to the United States when I was eight years old. Coming up as a kid I didn't have the things that other kids had. I didn't have games, toys, or bikes to entertain myself but I still managed. I usually tried to stay out of trouble and I always wanted to box. I ended up starting when I was twelve years old. I had an uncle who always tried to round kids up in the neighborhood to box each other. He had a pair of gloves and that's basically when it started for me. I tried it once and the love for boxing grew from there."

Coming to America…

"I moved to New Jersey and I've lived here all my life ever since I came to this country. As a kid, coming from a very poor country at the time, you could imagine how I felt coming to America. I was able to experience things that I never saw before. Back in my country I remember people being on horses and in America I was able to take in a whole new culture with new cars and things like that."

Jerson Ravelo and Giovanni Lorenzo

Dominican Heritage…

"My heritage is important to me. I represented the Dominican Republic in the 2000 Olympics even though my goal was to fight for the United States. I started my career in the US, was ranked #1 here and represented the United States in the world championships. Basically my whole career was here in the United States and it would have been nice to represent the US but it was still and honor to represent my country. I always have a flag on my trunks and I come to the ring with Meringue' which is typical Dominican music. So I represent my country very well."

Taking Whatever Comes Your Way…

"I might not even finish if I start talking about all the things I have had to overcome. From injuries to people giving up on me and turning their backs on me, you name it and I've been through it. I've always said that all the things a fighter goes through in their career are things I experienced at the beginning of my career. From not being able to get fights to not finding someone to represent me, to not having enough money for equipment, from taking low pay for fights just to stay busy. Sometimes you can't negotiate because you're just in a position to take whatever comes your way."

Down to Earth…

"I think I'm a pretty down to earth person. I love helping people and I love working with kids. My son has a little league baseball team and I am one of the coaches, and I do it without expecting anything in return. If I could help anyone I would. If I see somebody on the street and they are hungry I would pay for them to eat even if I only had ten dollars in my pocket. I'm that type of person and people can count on me. I'm one of the most loyal people that you will meet."

Jerson Ravelo and Paulie Malignaggi

Self Belief…

"Self belief is very important. A lot of people have given up on me throughout my career and it got to a point where I almost gave up on myself. I felt like nobody had my back and I asked myself how I could get anywhere like that. I almost gave up but then I realized some things after going to camp with Bernard Hopkins and Antonio Tarver. After working with these guys I realized that I was giving these guys great work to the point where I felt that if it was a real fight I probably would have won that fight. Then I just realized I still had a lot to offer to the sport."

Danny Jacobs and Jerson Ravelo

A Good Ride…

"Getting to the Olympics was one of my greatest career moments. Not every fighter can say they went the Olympic Games and that's something I can tell my kids years from now. Not many athletes in general can say that but I can and it's one of my career highlights. As far as turning pro, my first time fighting at Madison Square Garden was another highlight for me. I've fought on many famous fighters' undercards and appeared on television myself. I could go on and on. It's been a good ride for me but I have to capitalize on this fight so that I can be the one guy who people are talking about."

Making Yourself Happy…

"People will criticize you no matter what. People will always have their say, it's just a matter of how you deal with it. I don't really pay to much mind to what people say. I know that I am a good fighter, I know that I prepare hard for every fight and I know that I give it my all when I'm in the ring. If a fighter is a better fight than me, so be it, but I'm not going to worry about what other people have to say. You can't worry about making everyone happy, you have to make yourself happy before anyone else."

Realizing a Dream…

"I've met a lot of interesting people through boxing. From people in other spots such as Basketball, Hockey, and Football to Politicians, I've met and networked with all kinds of people. I've been trying to get a gym going for about six or seven years now and I'm just now getting ready to do it. I want to do it for the kids because it's something that has kept me off the streets. It was always a dream of mine that I was never able to do but because of certain people I've met through the sport, they have been able to help me do it."

Jerson Ravelo and Joe Calzaghe

Family First…

"To tell you the truth, my family is most important to me. That's part of the reason I have to do good in this sport. I like to take care of my family because they are the ones who never turned their backs on me. I feel like I owe it to them to do my best to show them I appreciate everything they did for me."

Trusting Those Around You…

"One thing that I've learned through boxing is to pay attention to those around you. When I first started out I was doing really well, winning my fights and making decent money. I had people who were always claiming to be my best friend and certain people were always attached to me. Once things started going in a different direction for me, that all changed. My back started bothering me, then I broke my hand, suffered my first loss, and next thing I know all these people around me just scattered. All those people who were my best of friends I couldn't find anymore once I needed some help. I even tried reaching out to some of them in times of need and they just denied me the opportunity. Learning about that was one of the main lessons I have kept with me and it all comes back to trusting the people you have around you and staying with positive people."

The Jerson Ravelo-Andre Ward showdown takes place Friday, June 20 on ShoBox: The New Generation. The Showtime televised telecast kicks off at 11 PM/ET. ICLE/1177/2008-05-27.html

Starlite Boxing's Sweetscience The Video Channel Online

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Honorable Keisha Morrisey

©®™ 2007, 2008 All photos by "EL Boxing Empress" Keisha Morrisey- Empire Morrisey Studios, for Bloodline Boxing Communications Entertainment and Starlite Boxing's Sweetscience Magnews-Online Publication all rights reserved


HOLLYWOOD– Due to popular demand, tickets for June 11th’s historic show at the Hard Rock Café in New York City’s Times Square, featuring young guns Sechew Powell and Peter Quillin in co-featured bouts, are now available at Ticketmaster.

But you’ll need to get there fast, because with only 300 seats available, a sell out is expected. Tickets for this once in a lifetime event are limited to just 500, and will include food and soft drinks.

Sechew Powell

In the main event, Powell, the number one ranked junior middleweight in the world, will take on St. Louis’ talented Deandre Latimore in a ten round bout. The unbeaten Quillin will be tested by Colombian knockout artist Dionisio Miranda in the ten round middleweight co-feature.

Peter "Kid Chocolate" Quillin

This night of world-class professional boxing, presented by Seminole Warriors Boxing and Gotham Boxing association with Bad Dog Promotions will be aired live on ESPN2’s Wednesday Night Fights beginning at 9pm ET / 6pm PT.

Tickets for this once in a lifetime event are limited to just 500, and will include food and soft drinks. You can also purchase these limited tickets, priced at $300, by calling Seminole Warriors Boxing at (954) 985-1155 or Gotham Boxing at (212) 755-1944.

About Hard Rock International

With 127 high-energy Hard Rock Cafes and nine Hotels/Casinos in 48 countries, Hard Rock International is one of the world’s most globally recognized brands. Beginning with an Eric Clapton guitar, Hard Rock owns the world’s greatest collection of music memorabilia, which is displayed at its locations around the globe. Hard Rock is also known for its collectible fashion and music-related merchandise, Hard Rock Live performance venues and an award-winning website. In addition to the two flagship Seminole Hard Rock Hotels and Casinos in Tampa and Hollywood, Fla., Hard Rock Hotels/Casinos are located in Las Vegas, Biloxi, Orlando, Chicago, San Diego, Pattaya and Bali. Additional hotel and casino projects have been announced in Macau and Penang, both scheduled to open in 2009; Palm Springs, Atlanta and! Panama, scheduled to open in 2010; and Dubai, scheduled to open in 2011. Hard Rock Park, located in Myrtle Beach, is the world’s first rock ‘n’ roll theme park. Hard Rock International, Inc. is owned by Seminole Hard Rock Entertainment, Inc. For more information on Hard Rock, visit

Starlite Boxing's Sweetscience The Video Channel Online

EL Boxing Empress Keisha Morrisey's Myspace

Honorable Keisha Morrisey

©®™ 2007, 2008 All photos by "EL Boxing Empress" Keisha Morrisey- Empire Morrisey Studios, for Bloodline Boxing Communications Entertainment and Starlite Boxing's Sweetscience Magnews-Online Publication all rights reserved

Remillard enjoys home cookin’; Friday the 13th at the Connecticut Convention Center

HARTFORD- WBC World Youth featherweight champion Matt “Sharp Shooter” Remillard makes his first title defense on June 13, practically in his backyard at the Connecticut Convention Center in Hartford, against Mexican challenger Jose Magallon in the 10-round main event headlining “Connecticut Conquest.”

“Connecticut Conquest,” promoted by Jimmy Burchfield’s Classic Entertainment and Sports, Inc., will be taped live and air Wednesday, June 11 at 8 PM/ET on CN8,The Comcast Network, as well as Friday, June 20 at 8 PM/ET on Cox Sports Television.

“Every place we go claims to be the boxing capital of the past,” promoter Jimmy Burchfield remarked. “We’re giving each city a chance to show that it is the boxing capital of the future, starting with Hartford, Connecticut. The Connecticut Convention Center is doing everything possible in partnership with CES to bring world class boxing back to Hartford.”

Remillard (13-0, 7 KOs), fighting out of nearby Manchester, won the WBC World Youth crown last January via an impressive 10-round decision against Manuel Perez (11-3), after Matt was sidelined for nearly 16-months due to a wrist injury that twice required surgery.

“It feels great to be fighting at home,” Remillard said. “Most fighters don’t get an opportunity to fight in their hometown and I’m privileged to have my first title defense at home. It makes me work even harder in the gym, knowing I’ll be fighting in front of my family and friends. There’s pressure in every fight, especially when you’re unbeaten. I guess it depends on how you deal with pressure. It’s either a negative or positive and I feel that it’s a positive. Nobody can help a fighter in the ring, but there is a hometown advantage hearing your fans root for you. I hope all my fans will be there June 13th.

“I’m not feeling any pain in my hand. I don’t hold back. If I land a punch and it hurts a little I’ll just shake it off and keep going. My hand feels better with the nicer weather. I’d never broken a bone before, but cold and rain bothers the bone. I know my opponent is a tough Mexican fighting out of Las Vegas. He comes to fight and loves to bang. He won’t take a step backwards, like me, and that’s going to make for a great fight.”
Remillard, despite losing 16-months because of his injury, still believes he’s being moved at the right pace. “I’m only 21 and turn 22 the day of the weigh in,” he noted. “I’m already 13-0, so I don’t worry about how fast I’m being moved. I’m in the right place at the right time.”

Undefeated Connecticut heavyweight Tony “TNT” Grano (13-0-1, 11 KOs), 2005 U.S. Nationals champion and arguably the most popular fighter in New England, faces an opponent to be determined in the 8-round co-feature.

New Bedford (MA) police officer Jason Pires (20-3, 9 KOs), former USBA super bantamweight title-holder, returns to the ring after a five-year absence, in which, he graduated from college (UMass/Dartmouth) and became a New Bedford police officer. He’s in a special 6-round junior welterweight bout vs. TBA.
Others scheduled to fight June 13 include Hartford favorite, junior welterweight and prison guard Addy Irizarry (4-2, 2 KOs), coming off a very close loss by decision in Germany, vs. Janae Archuleta (5-14-1, 2 KOs); undefeated, top super middleweight prospect Brian Macy (3-0, 1 KO), of Ledyard (CT), the 2000 National PAL amateur champion and University of Connecticut graduate vs. Roger Locklear (0-2); Hartford super middleweight Tylon Burris (1-0, 1 KO) vs. Richmond “The White Tornado” Dalphone (0-3-2)..

Tickets are on sale and priced at $35.00 (VIP Bronze), $55.00 (VIP Silver), $80.00 (VIP Gold), $100.00 (Diamond) and $150.00 (Jimmy’s Platinum Club VIP). To purchase tickets go to or call CES (401.724.2253/2254), Connecticut Convention Center (860.249.000), Manchester PAL (860.645.6261), Willy’s Gym (860.614.2281), Connecticut Restorations (860.528.6800), Strikezone Gym (860.444.2845), L.A. Boxing Gym (860.221.5987) and 401 Boxing (401.261.9800).

For more information call CES (401.724.2253/2254), the Connecticut Convention Center (860.249.6000), or go on line at Doors open at 6 PM/ET, first bout 7 PM/ET.

Starlite Boxing's Sweetscience The Video Channel Online

EL Boxing Empress Keisha Morrisey's Myspace

Honorable Keisha Morrisey

©®™ 2007, 2008 All photos by "EL Boxing Empress" Keisha Morrisey- Empire Morrisey Studios, for Bloodline Boxing Communications Entertainment and Starlite Boxing's Sweetscience Magnews-Online Publication all rights reserved

Moore will open ESPN 2’s Wednesday Night Fights on June 4 from the Aviator Sports & Recreation Center in Brooklyn, NY.

Former heavyweight contender Seamus McDonagh weighs in on his Irish counterpart, undefeated junior middleweight James Moore. Moore will open ESPN 2’s Wednesday Night Fights on June 4 from the Aviator Sports & Recreation Center in Brooklyn, NY.

Photo:Robert Mladinich

The enormously popular James Moore, 15-0 (10 KOS), a native of County Wicklow, Ireland, who fights of Queens, New York, will open the June 4 show at the Aviator Sports & Recreation Center that will be televised on ESPN 2’s Wednesday Night Fights. He will take on Gabriel Rosado, 9-2 (6 KOS), of Philadelphia.

The main event will feature Yusaf Mack, 24-2-2 (15 KOS), of New York via Philadelphia vs. Daniel Judah, 22-2-3 (10 KOS), of Brooklyn. At stake will be the vacant NABA light heavyweight title. The show is being promoted by Winky Wright Promotions, in association with Thomas Gallagher Productions.

In attendance will be Wright, a former world champion, as well as Gallagher, who starred in season one of “The Contender” reality television series. Also there to cheer Moore on will be Seamus McDonagh, a native of Ireland who compiled a 19-3-1 (14 KOS) record during a career that lasted from 1985-91 and saw him square off against Evander Holyfield.

Like Moore, a veteran of 314 amateur fights and the onetime captain of the Irish national amateur team, McDonagh was tremendously popular amongst Irish and Irish American fans. He believes that Moore is a shoo-in to win a world title as soon as he gets the opportunity to fight for one.

“James is the most confident fighter I’ve ever met,” said the extremely intelligent McDonagh, who is now an actor. “He really is an exceptional guy. He has so much experience as an amateur, and he is really putting that to good use in the pros.”

McDonagh said that being an Irish athletic hero can be a double-edged sword. “Going to the fights and cheering on one of their own is an emotional release for the Irish, especially those living in the United States,” said McDonagh. “They have left their home because of their hopes and dreams. They look at a fighter like James and say, “if he can do it, I can do it (bring dreams to fruition). Many are living vicariously through him.”

McDonagh says that when he trained he ignored his fears, but when the bell rang the fear factor would kick in. Had he learned how to deal with his fears more healthily, he believes her would have been more successful. He says that Moore has a much greater emotional foundation, much of which comes from his extensive amateur career.

“There is so much spectacularism in the United States, but none of it has affected James,” said McDonagh. “He is truly like an old-time fighter. He doesn’t get caught up in all the hoopla. He just goes out and does his job very well. He is very easy to root for because he is such a regular guy, even though he is such a dedicated athlete. He has everything it takes – the physical tools and the mental and emotional components – to be a world champion. He will be a world champion.”

The Aviator Sports & Recreation Center is located on Flatbush Avenue, just south of the Belt Parkway, Exit 11S, Brooklyn, NY 11234. Doors will open at 6:30 P.M.

Starlite Boxing's Sweetscience The Video Channel Online

EL Boxing Empress Keisha Morrisey's Myspace

Honorable Keisha Morrisey

©®™ 2007, 2008 All photos by "EL Boxing Empress" Keisha Morrisey- Empire Morrisey Studios, for Bloodline Boxing Communications Entertainment and Starlite Boxing's Sweetscience Magnews-Online Publication all rights reserved

No Holds Barred: More Kimbo Slice, Gina Carano, Gary Shaw, EliteXC Preview

No Holds Barred: More Kimbo Slice, Gina Carano, Gary Shaw, EliteXC Preview

On this edition of No Holds Barred, host Eddie Goldman begins by discussing the Pygmalion-like tale of Kimbo Slice and the reasons for his broad appeal and the Kimbo phenomenon.

Kimbo, of course, headlines the CBS and EliteXC Saturday Night Fights card, which takes place this Saturday, May 31, at the Prudential Center in Newark, New Jersey, and will be shown live in the U.S. on CBS. He faces fellow heavyweight mixed martial artist, James Thompson.

We spoke with Kimbo Slice along with other members of the media at the final prefight news conference this Thursday in New York.

We also spoke with another headliner on this card, the charismatic and undefeated Gina Carano, who faces Kaitlin Young in a women's 140-pound fight. And we spoke with EliteXC promoter Gary Shaw about his views on the reported hiring by the rival of EliteXC, UFC, of a Washington, D.C. lobbying firm to keep mixed martial arts out of federal regulatory legislation.

Eddie Goldman will also be a guest on the nationally-syndicated "Joey Reynolds Show" this Friday night/early Saturday morning, May 30/31. The topic will be the May 31 EliteXC show and Kimbo Slice, but expect anything to come up.
The "Joey Reynolds Show" is a national radio broadcast in New York on WOR 710 AM and on 100 other stations via the WOR Network. The show airs live beginning at midnight EDT and runs to 5 AM EDT. We are presently scheduled to come on right after midnight EDT. You can also listen to the "Joey Reynolds Show" online at

Also, No Holds Barred is available through iTunes at

The show is in MP3 format, so may take some time to download.

The No Holds Barred theme song is called "The Heist", by musician Ian Carpenter (

Make sure to check out my regular weekly boxing show SecondsOut Radio, at On this week's edition of SecondsOut Radio, we speak with the outspoken promoter Lou DiBella. He has just returned to New York from the UK where on Saturday, May 24, in Manchester, his fighter, IBF 140-pound champion Paulie Malignaggi (25-1, 5 KOs), successfully defended his title against challenger Lovemore N'dou (46-10, 31 KOs) with a split decision victory. Malignaggi, however, injured his right hand during this fight, which hampered his performance and now could possibly affect the plans for him to face Ricky Hatton in the fall. This week, Malignaggi will have his hand examined by a specialist. In a lengthy and spirited interview, we discussed Malignaggi's performance against N'dou, his braided hairstyle which came loose and had to be clipped during the fight, the prospects for his recovery from this latest hand injury, the scene in Manchester, Ricky Hatton's main event fight there with Juan Lazcano, the prospects for a Hatton-Malignaggi fight, and, last but not least, the role of boxing journalists and especially the Internet media. It is free to listen to SecondsOut Radio, but you must register to gain access to it. Just click here,, and listen, learn, and enjoy.

Make sure to check out my regular articles on the ADCC News at and on at

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CBS and EliteXC Saturday Night Fights. On May 31st, watch the historic debut of "CBS and EliteXC Saturday Night Fights". The action is LIVE on CBS starting at 9 PM ET/PT. Kimbo Slice, Gina Carano, Robbie Lawler, Phil Baroni, and more will be bringing their A-games to primetime on the 31st. For more info, go to ( (, an MMA website built by and for the fans and fighters of this great sport. Watch action-packed fights, connect with others, and get exclusive MMA coverage all in one place. It's "All Combat All the Time" at!

IFL, the International Fight League (, the world's first professional mixed martial arts league. Make sure to check out their regular TV shows on FSN (Fox Sports Net) ( in the U.S., and to check your local listings for dates and times. Check out the IFL web site (, for a listing of IFL live events and their TV schedule, at

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Thanks, Eddie Goldman

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Honorable Keisha Morrisey

©®™ 2007, 2008 All photos by "EL Boxing Empress" Keisha Morrisey- Empire Morrisey Studios, for Bloodline Boxing Communications Entertainment and Starlite Boxing's Sweetscience Magnews-Online Publication all rights reserved